Red Crowned Tattoo

Please carefully read through our FAQ for your benefit as well as your artist’s.


Pricing & Retainers

What is your shop minimum and hourly rate?

The shop minimum is $100. Which means anyone with a tattoo - regardless of size - has paid no less than the minimum.

Pricing of tattoos is on an individual, case-by-case basis & should be discussed during your consultation.

Typically, single-session tattoos are flat-rated while more time-intensive, multiple-session pieces will be charged hourly.

What is a retainer, how much is it, & why do I need one?

Retainers vary from $100 for a small tattoo to $1200 for larger pieces. These depend on the size and scope of the tattoo & are absolutely nonrefundable.

It is customary within the industry to place a retainer to secure the time and talent of your chosen artist (typically at the closing of the consultation process provided you choose to move forward with your project). It is considered an agreement between both parties to show up at the agreed upon date(s) & time(s) as well as a commitment to the completion of your tattoo.

When working on a larger piece that requires multiple sessions, the retainer is applied to the Final appointment.

Red Crowned Tattoo requires no less than 48 hours notice in the event that you need to cancel or reschedule your tattoo-time appointment. Any notice less than 48 hours will result in retainer forfeiture & another retainer will be required in order to keep or book any future appointments.

While we understand that collecting tattoos is a luxury, creating & applying them sustains the livelihood of our artists. When you cancel (especially with short notice), they experience loss of income. The shorter notice given by the client = greater difficulty in filling the spot. Please be mindful when making scheduling arrangements with your artist so that you are not “holding hostage” valuable time that could have been offered to another punctual client.

Can you tell me what my tattoo will cost?

Absolutely! If you would like to come in the studio, we can discuss your ideas & offer you a price range.

We do not offer any pricing via email, social media or telephone. Period.

There are several variables to consider when pricing a tattoo - size, placement, level of detail, time-intensity, scheduling, etc. - all of which will be entertained during an in-person discussion with your artist.

We highly recommend calling the studio ahead of time to arrange a personal consultation - especially if you have a specific artist you are interested in working with - to ensure availability.


Appointments & Walk-Ins

Do you take walk-ins?

We do take walk-ins when availability allows on a first-come-first-served basis ~ we highly recommend calling head to check the artist’s schedule.

We do not have set walk-in days or times. Because no openings will be reserved without a retainer, so we recommend having an appointment just to be safe.

Due to years of experience, we do not reserve spots verbally. It would be a shame to have to turn down a potential client who is currently in the studio because we are waiting on someone who ‘promised’ to “Be right there!” yet never show up. It is unfair to the artist & the present client alike.

How do I book an appointment?

Pick up the phone & give us a call! Whether you already have an artist in mind or not, we always recommend a quick call to check scheduling availability.

Once you have a consultation time set, gather any reference images & artistic inspiration(s) & head to the studio! After you’ve had the opportunity to share your ideas with an artist, it is a typical part of the consultation process to then take a look at a calendar and synchronize schedules for a time that works best for you to begin your project.

Please keep in mind that an appointment will not be added to an artists calendar without a commitment from the client in the form of a monetary retainer. So if you are ready to roll, please come financially prepared.

Why do I need to come into the studio for pricing or to book an appointment?

Because we want to ensure that every detail is discussed and both you & your artist have the opportunity to have as in depth a dialogue as necessary to answer every question that may come to mind.

We strive to be as upfront, transparent, forthright & diligent as possible when it comes to planning your next tattoo. Even though times have changed and we currently live in the “Google Generation,” this is still an industry deep-seated in face-to-face conversation & interaction. There is just as much communicated non-verbally as there is verbally & even visually speaking. Your artist needs to take a professional look at the area you are having tattooed so they may consider size, “flow,” skin-tone & color palette among other facets.

Also, having an in-person discussion is the best & fastest way to establish trust & understanding between you & your artist.

I booked an appointment. When can I see my drawing?

Your design will be ready for you when you come in for your first appointment! And will never be emailed/faxed/DM’ed or otherwise transmitted to a client prior to their first appointment.

Remember that consultation you previously had with your artist? They should have received all of the information they needed to design your piece at that time. We highly encourage you to send reference images and details of your design no less than 1 week prior to your appointment.

Should your piece require minor changes, they can be made at the time of your scheduled appointment. Once the design is agreed upon, we’ll get started on applying your tattoo.

It is rare that a piece needs extensive redesigning; but it does happen occasionally. After re-evaluating the piece with your artist, a new appointment may be made at no consequence to your retainer.

However, if an idea is completely changed at the time of your appointment & you made no attempt to notify the studio and/or your artist in a timely fashion (1 week or more ahead of your scheduled appointment) the retainer will go to the artist for time spent on creating your original design idea & intellectual property. 

Keep in mind, we are professionals - and while this very well might be your first tattoo, it is most definitely not ours. Have a little faith.

Why can’t I proof my drawing before my appointment?

There are a few reasons for this.

If you have an appointment booked, chances are that your artist has other commitments on their schedule as well. Because each design takes a significant amount of research & preparation time, creating a drawing too far in advance could cause the artist to lose direction - visually and/or mentally - in which they had intended the piece to go. In an effort to stay motivated & forward-thinking, it is preferred to keep it fresh in the front of their mind when designing and executing your individual piece rather than getting lost in other designs.

Lastly, given our 48 hour cancellation policy, many artists want to ensure appointment arrangements are honored by their respective clients rather than dedicating precious time to a design that does not come to fruition due to a cancellation.

I cancelled my appointment less-than 48 hours notice; but I feel mine was a valid reason. Why don't I get to keep my retainer?

As stated in our retainer agreement between artist & client, retainers are always non-refundable.

Unexpected, last-minute openings are much harder to fill and the artist often completely loses out financially. We ask that clients consider that, while tattoos are fun, this is the artists livelihood! It’s how they afford residence, pay bills, put food on the table & ensure their family’s needs are provided.

When a client cancels with little-to-no notice, the artist has no alternative way of recouping the financial loss as they are not hourly wage employees.  Therefore, the retainer goes to them for the unused/missed appointment and their design/preparation time.

To consistently exercise complete fairness across the board, we adhere to this policy regardless of why you need to cancel; because, when it comes to reasons behind what we consider a last minute cancelation, we have heard it all! Unfortunately, due to our immense industry experience, we have heard every excuse in the book and there have been times when the justifications have proven false. This is unfair to the artists (as well as punctual clientele who may have preferred that particular appointment slot) and, per the agreement when placing your retainer, the funds will go directly to them.  

Can I book an appointment even though I live outside Las Vegas?

Absolutely! We are fortunate enough to have loyal clients all over the world who travel to work with our artists.

Please e-mail us through the Contact section for more information. 


Acceptable Identification & Age Requirements

Do you tattoo minors (anyone under 18) with parental consent?

Maybe. We take these requests on a case by case basis.

Can I bring my children with me?

When accompanied by an adult, minors will be permitted in our lobby for no longer than 15 minutes; during which time they must remain with their parent to ensure minimal disruption to the other artists, clients, & decor.

Anyone under the age of 18 is strictly prohibited to enter the area of the studio where the tattoos are prepared & applied and are not permitted to be left alone in our lobby.

What are the acceptable forms of I.D. to get tattooed?

Valid state/government issued drivers license or identification card [non-military] or passport can be used.

A photo I.D. with a clear picture and first and last name can be coupled with an original birth certificate [copies will not be accepted] if none of the preferred forms of identification are available.

All I.D. must be presented in person and cannot be e-mailed or presented via copy.

Why can't I use my military I.D. to get tattooed?

Copying a military I.D. is prohibited by law!

We are required (also by law) to make & keep photo copies of identification on file per the state Health Department. We value our military clients immensely, but cannot risk fines, or worse…


Other General Questions

How do I consult with an artist?

If you are trying to book with Marco please contact him via email and he will send you a link to his consultation calendar so you can book a day that fits your schedule. If you are trying to book with Beans please contact him through his artist page and send him an email and he will let you know when you can come in.

You are absolutely welcome to pop-in without contacting the studio in advance; just understand that there may be a wait if they are actively tattooing another client or they may ask you to make alternative scheduling arrangements at another time so as to be able to give you their undivided attention and focus on your artistic idea(s).

Again, we highly recommend calling beforehand to check that your artist is in the studio as individual schedules do vary regardless of posted hours of operation. 

Can you just show my idea to all your artists and see who would want to do it?

Unfortunately, we cannot. That would be incredibly time consuming and may delay response time significantly as our artists work different schedules.

As we attempt to keep our artists as free of unnecessary interruptions as possible so they may maximize their creative-time and focus on current projects (a courtesy afforded to every client), we ask that you peruse portfolios & choose your artist based on their style of tattooing.

Artists find inspiration & influence through many different artistic genres and excel in certain styles as reflected in their previous works. However, no matter the subject, our artists strive for versatility & will always be at their professional best when executing your next piece.

Do you offer apprenticeships?


Do you do piercings?

We do not offer piercing services here at Red Crowned Tattoo but we will gladly refer you to a reputable piercer we trust and highly recommend.