Jiraiya is a fictional charactor. Jiraiya (literally "Young Thunder"), originally known as Ogata Shuma Hiroyuki, is the toad-riding protagonist of the Japanese folk tale The Tale of the Gallant Jiraiya. The tale was originally published in 1806–1807 and was adapted into a serialized novel that was written by different authors and published in 43 installments from 1839 to 1868; one of its illustrators was woodblock artist Kunisada, which is how he became the subject of Japanese tattoos.
In a popular version of Jiraiya’s story he was not a great guy, rather he was a robber, pirate and perhaps a murderer as well. During a snowstorm in the mountains he found a small house to take refuge. Inside was a beautiful young woman who treated him well. Jiraiya plotted to kill her anyway but when he decided to do it she turned into an old man who grabbed Jiraiya’s sword a smashed it to pieces. He told Jiraiya that he could easily kill him but decides to teach him the magic arts of the mountain spirits as well as to control frogs/toads. The caveat of this power was that he would not use it to rob or hurt the poor and to instead take from those who use and acquire money dishonestly to help the needy. It is for this reason that Jiraiya is often referred to as the Japanese Robin Hood. He also eventually meets Tsunade a pretty young maiden who has learned snail magic. The marry and go on to work together using their magic powers for good.