Minamoto no Yorimitsu

Minamoto no Yorimitsu Tattoo Design Painting by Marco

Raiko or Yorimitsu full name Minamoto no Yorimitsu might be the most famous of all the samurai. A legendary warrior known for his military exploits and he is featured in many stories, legends and tales including; the legend of Kintaro (Sakata no Kintoki as an adult), the Legend of Shuten-Doji and the Legend of Tsuchigumo. (Please see these stories in the Yokai section) He is usually accompanied by his loyal retainers: Watanabe no Tsuna, Sakata no Kintoki, Urabe no Suetake and Usui Sadamitsu. All notable warriors with legends of their own.

Other than his more fanciful legends he was also the commander of a regiment of the Imperial Guard and secretary in the Ministry of War. When his father died he inherited the Settsu Province.

The image above represents his battle with Shuten-doji as well as the determination and fearlessness of the samurai warrior.