Omatsu (Kishin Omatsu)

Meanings: Female Bandit, Outlaw, Demon, Free Spirit, Strength, Oni

Omatsu is a legendary mass murderer and more often than not is referred to as Evil Omastu or Demon Omatsu. This female bandit appears in many Kabuki plays. Her story is based on true facts. She is always represented as a vile woman, perhaps too free and dangerous for the rigid society of the Edo period in Japan. It is said that she killed her husband, a blind samurai and started living an outlaw lifestyle.

She used her beauty to escape her origins and became an outlaw and eventually the leader of an outlaw gang. Her Modis Operandi was to ask solitary samurai to help her across shallow rivers or creeks by carrying her piggy back so her kimono wouldn’t get wet. Once she was on their back she would pull out her dagger and slit their throat, then she would rob them. Omatsu was truly a soul with out conscious.