
Attributes: Female Warrior, fights serpent to protect young women, bravery, strength, loyalty, piety

This story came about during the Edo period in Japan which was less influenced by Buddhism.

She is a young girl living in Atsuta near lake Ashihara. The region is being terrorised by a monsterous snake that attacks young virgins. Uneme is the most pious of all the young women and decides to fight the serpent.

Uneme of Atsuta fights in a magical battle with the water dragon. She kneels on a rock above the water while lightening swirls around her and banishes the monster with the help of a Gohei staff. The serpent vanishes into the clouds.

She is showing that the shamanic women survived the demotion of Mikogama from their ancient temple leadership. It is the filial piety of Atsuta no Uneme and the mercy of Atsuta's shrine deity that put an end to the serpents actions.

(Gohei staff) see (Weapons)