
Bishamonten Japanese God and Warrior

He is the armor clad God of Warriors and punisher of evil doers. He is portrayed holding a spear in one hand and a small pagoda in the other. The Pagoda symbolizes the divine treasure house whose contents he both guards and gives away. Bishamon is also called Tomonten (Listening to many teachings) because he is seen as the guardian of the places where Buddha teaches. He is associated with Hachiman (the God of War). He is considered the Guardian of the Dharma (Buddhist Law) and the Lord of Wealth and Treasure for this he is one of the Heavenly Kings Protecting the Four Directions- North. He is the God of Warriors but not the God of War. He is believed to have healing powers, to expel demons and plagues, as well as the ability to reward followers with riches, good fortune and even children.