Phoenix (Ho-o)

Meaning: Rebirth, Triumph, Growth, Peace, Benevolence, Education, Purity, Wisdom, Gentleness

Attribute: It is one of the four cardinal beasts and represents: Fire, South, Red, Summer

The Japanese and Chinese phoenix have little to do with the western phoenix. In the west there is only one phoenix which must die in order for another to rise from its’ ashes. The Japanese phoenix is believed to represent the power sent from the heavens to the Empress. They are often seen alongside dragons, which represent the male side to the female phoenix and are therefore a symbolic representation of the yin and yang.

It is believed that the phoenix will only show itself in times of peace. It was believed a phoenix would descend from the heavens to do good deeds. It has come to represent the end of an old or n=beginning of a new era. Visions of the phoenix were considered omens of great luck and peace. It hides in times of struggle making it a symbol of peace when present and chaos when it is absent.

The phoenix is a hybrid of a peacock and a pheasant and rooster. It has the neck of a pheasant, the coxcomb of a rooster and the tail feather of a peacock. The feathers are representative of benevolence, purity, education, wisdom, and gentleness or black , white, red, green and yellow.