
Meaning: Love, Beauty, Charm, Passion, Spring, Youth, Vitality

The Primrose is native to many places around the world and its’ meanings, varieties and associations can be a little different in each of these locations. For the sake of brevity we will focus on Japan.

It can be found in red, pink and purple. It is an ideal gift if you want to show your affection for someone. It also has medicinal uses and is edible. They have a delicate yellow-tinged center that looks a bit like an eye. It is typically the first flower to bloom in the late winter or early spring as its’ name implies- “primus” or first. It is associated with spring, similar to the Cherry Blossom, because of this it is also associated with youth and vitality.

Primrose are also often viewed as symbols of femininity as women bring life into the world. It represents the various stages of life too. Life passes us by and there is an end to each life on the planet which is another message of the Primrose.